God, Where are You?

Recently there has been an influx of news about police officers killing unarmed men, specifically African American. As a black woman in America this scares me. This scares me because I am black and this scares me because this could have been my family. One of the scariest things of all however, is the lack of attention this is getting on my college campus.

I go to a predominantly white Christian school in west Texas in a town full of good, down home, God-lovin’ Republicans. This town has about 2.5 churches per block, and even more Christian folks within my school’s walls. My school is constantly talking about uniting the community and evangelizing to the world, yet…. No one has mentioned the recent killings on the black men.


My school preaches God’s love to me five days of the week, and then when one of God’s beloved children is murdered, my school is silent. Where is God’s love now?!

It hurts my heart. I don’t understand how people can walk around this campus and feel absolutely nothing. Why hasn’t God burdened their hearts with the pain and hurt that I feel?

The fact that my school can pray for alumni to give us money for buildings and football fields yet there is no prayer for those that have been killed (Michael Brown, Walter Scott, Eric Harris, Freddie Gray….) angers me. My school is supposed to be Christian. We are supposed to be the chapel on the hill, the light that those look to, to see God. But, we are the ones failing Him. We have mentioned nothing on their behalves.


The more incidents that happen, the more silent my campus becomes. It makes it seem as though African Americans are invisible to them. That the only time we are relevant is when we have a ball in our hand or when we are paying a bill. Our national issues as black people, are not theirs. We do not share the same pain in their eyes.

Below, I have attached a project I had to do for class. It show’s how I feel about the police killing African American civilians and the lack of concern it is on my campus.